CG Cheat!

CG= Fame and Money!

But when those two are comming we forget all about friends and we don't care for anyone else
but ourselfs! A course infored me that Alex (vnvi) created 600 accounts just to vote himself
(and others as Alex said) CG! Alex also said that he helped Eftychia (Marsal15) to become
CG on her day, with those accounts and that she was supposed to help him on his day too!
And the next day Alex claims that he used those accounts to help Vasia (vasia28) and she
reached the second place witch is totally NOT true!

The whole CG thing makes us egoists.People fight against their friends and, cheating them spend tons of money...

Looks like this gets worste from years to years and people become more addicted to this!




popgirl107 Ⓐ said...
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Electra said...

As sd_is_da_best has said, I wonder what we would do if stardoll stops having covergirls =P

Anonymous said...
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ADJAJA/Anna said...

I think you should win fairly, which means no bribing & no cheating, just advertising saying, "covergirl" or something. xD
(my opinion)

Anonymous said...

thats soo pathetic.
U only get some starpoints and stardollars so VIRTUAL fame.