Whats up with the CG's lately?

Whats up with these CG's lately?! I mean really?!?!? Look at this one for todays- 9/24/09.
I say congrats but WTF?! Ok well i wanted to say on saturday probably or Oct-8-09 i will run to give a good CG lol but pls vote me when i run! I would appreciate it! Heres a pic of todays CG..


Dei said...

Hee hee x]

Ashton Eramya said...

You've already been covergirl. Why not give it to someone else?

Anonymous said...

I think she used the covergirl cheat..
Make 50 accounts and vote for yourself...
If she did she's pathetic.
If she didnt sorry!

Anonymous said...

I KNOW i mean thier are other girls whoes usite is like FABULOUS and then people vote for someone who whoes........

ADJAJA/Anna said...

I know - who are these people?!
Maybe they are voting with fake accounts (: