Posing Medoll Tutorial

Stacey and several others have asked me to make a tutorial on how some designers pose their medolls from sites like I-dressup.com. So 3 hours later, I present my tutorial! Please read everything, it will explain it all. :) Enjoy!

[It is a very BIG image, I always work large in Photoshop. It may take a bit to load.]

--> Here is the Direct Link <--

You can see it also my tutorial website here with all my other tutorials:




Anonymous said...

I make my poses by stardoll body's
I just select them and turn them around.
And there is your pose!

Mihaela said...


Maria Sweeney said...

Kurd_sava - I do that too, that's going to be my next tutorial. ;) But that is more advanced so I thought this was easier for beginners. :)