Gossip Girl or Gossip Boy?

Tyler was planning to make something, a gossip blog probably? But it seems that he changed his mind, or he's just planning something secretly! Something that no one wants to to know, since everybody is talking about his idea for a gosip blog! But what's the truth?
Gossip Girl keeps talking about Tyler and the whole thing
all the time! But is there a Gossip Girl or a Gossip Boy? Exactly! I thought of this yesterday!

Have you ever thought that tere might not be a girl witch is hiding behind the Gossip Girl mask? Yeah, I mean exactly what you're thinking!
Is Tyler hiding behind Gossip Girl's mask?

Who knows?




Electra said...


ADJAJA/Anna said...

Maybe he's trying to make the new Stardoll's Most Hated Website. (;D

Anonymous said...

:) Tyler with his ideas...